Kanam Women Initiative



Kanam Women Initiative’s objectives are gender and economic empowerment, leadership and governance, sustainable development, and the rights of adults and children, as well as their protection.


SHARE Sponsored Programs:



SHARE funded a project by Kanam Womens Initiative in Kenya to train 20 teen mothers and reformed sex-workers to use climate-smart agriculture techniques such as the use of sacks and garden pots to grow tomatoes, basil, kale, and other crops.

The project has been a success, and the beneficiaries were able to triple their daily incomes by selling their produce at market.



In 2021, SHARE funded Kanam Women Initiative in Kenya to provide a training workshop to 15 women on how to run a small business. The beneficiaries are all survivors of domestic violence, and their participation in the project allows them to better provide for themselves and their families

The funds provided by SHARE also provided loans to groups of the workshop participants to establish a small business of their own, where they implemented the skills learned in the workshop.


In 2024, The SHARE Institute funded Kanam Women’s Initiative in Kenya to train 15 teen mothers in baking, business, and financial literacy skills.

These trainings will allow the beneficiaries to secure employment and start their own businesses.



Kanam Women in Kenya was funded by SHARE in 2022 to train Sudanese women who live in Turkana and Nairobi in the use of sewing machines and bead work. The women have produced hats, baskets, and beaded clothing from locally sourced materials. By participating in this project, the beneficiaries will be able to increase their incomes and provide for their families.

15 women were linked to a marketing group to help them sell their products.