Mugbi Community Farmers

Sierra Leone



SHARE Sponsored Programs:



In 2022, The SHARE Institute funded Mugbi Community Farmers in Sierra Leone to improve vegetable production for women and their families by preparing the land for planting. There were 40 participants in the project: 10 men and 30 women.

In addition to the project activities, the beneficiaries also constructed a rain-capturing water tank and water pump machine to ensure steady flow of water to the land. They have now planted cabbage, onions, and other vegetables.

10% of the revenue generated by the project went to a bank account for future management of the project.

An additional percentage of the revenue generated by the project was used to purchase school supplies for 5 primary school students: three girls and two boys.


The SHARE Institute providied a grant to the Mugbi Community Farmers Investment organization to construct a hygienic pen for livestock of the Mamboma village.

Trainings of farmers on best practices along with provision of vaccines and veterinary services, has drastically reduced the death rate of livestock and animal manure is used as both fertilizer and a source of income.