St. Francis

Holiday Food Baskets and Food Drives for Needy Families


Project Objective: 

The main objective is to assist families in celebrating the holidays by providing nutritious meals.



Interns were able to collect more than fifty cans of food that were delivered to St. Francis House in order to feed the hungry of the Sacramento area.


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SHARE Interns helped to collect canned food for needy families. Hundreds of cans were collected and donated.



The SHARE canned food drive collected over 100 cans of food. The donations were brought to St. Francis House in time for the holidays.



SHARE sponsored a can food campaign for the needy.  The can food drive was very successful, bringing in over $799 in canned food, which was donated to local organizations.



SHARE interns collected food items for the homeless in Sacramento to be donated to St. Francis House. Canned food and other non-perishable items were donated to help feed homeless families in the Sacramento area.



The SHARE Institute presented food bags that included a turkey, vegetables, and stuffing to three different families for Thanksgiving.  The food was donated to needy families just in time for the holiday feast.



For Thanksgiving, SHARE presented food bags to three different families.  The food is donated to deserving families, right in time to help out for Thanksgiving dinner.



The SHARE food drive collected many boxes of non-perishable food items that were donated to St. Francis House to feed hungry families in the Sacramento during the holiday season.



The SHARE Institute put together individual food baskets for needy families in the Sacramento area.  Each basket included a turkey, canned vegetables, stuffing, and all the necessities for a Thanksgiving meal.  These baskets are distributed annually.