Wind Youth Center



Art Supplies for Homeless and At-Risk Teens

The SHARE Institute collected art supplies for the Wind Youth Center, a school and counseling center that serves homeless and at risk teens, and for the Mustard Seed School, a school for homeless children.  The art supplies collected included construction paper, scissors, markers, pencils, and glue.


School Books for Homeless Teens

Interns collected several high school and community college textbooks for homeless teens staying at the Wind Youth Center.


Toiletry Bags for Homeless Teens

The Wind Youth Center’s Outreach program provides homeless teens with basic care services. SHARE Interns assembled 20 toiletry bags with toothbrushes, soap, socks and other items for the outreach program. The teens will be given these bags as they come into the shelter, where they are provided with food, showers, and beds.